PSR/AMS now have the contract. Payday moved from Friday to Monday without notification & not communicated within transfer client help guides.
95% of contracts inside IR35
Posted anonymously
3 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Been told today that all roles have already been assessed as inside and employers NI is being deducted from the agreed rate - even got a worked example. This is despite me having employed staff and supplying into them (via 3rd party). Con call arrange for end of week to discuss. But long and short is all work to go via a frame work provider and you like it or leave.
Posted anonymously
3 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Capital Delivery - Western
Have been told today that without consideration all are inside IR35
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Capital Projects
Role based assessments. Most roles been inside IR35 for some time, PAYE via Capita. Employers NI taken from contractors rate.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
About to lose lots of contractors and end up with skills shortage and lots of unfilled vacancies.