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Nationwide Building Society

What's your experience contracting or freelancing with Nationwide Building Society? Help the community and share your views.

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Outside IR35 banned
Division: Digital
Blanket ban. Assessments not provided to many (I had to chase mine down). Even though the government have deferred implementation - Nationwide are enforcing IR35 compliance based on principle. Note: NBS have been aware of this same principle (IR35 law) since 2000, yet up until now - have been quite comfortable insisting contractors engage with them via Limited Liability Companies ONLY (when they could have chosen FTCs). So the on-principle argument is totally moot. At the moment, word is that over 1/2 of all contractors in the organisation are due to walk out next week. Not only because of lower pay (the result of being forced to use an umbrella company, and NBS refusing to budge on rates to cover losses), but because most of us are sick of being treated like second class citizens. Even though IR35 may deem many contractors as employees, we are not treated as employees: we get no support from the government as part of any COVID-19 package, and no support whatsoever from Management. Many of us are constantly under immense pressure to deliver, we are stressed and now feel utterly worthless, when more often than not - we are the ones doing the heavy lifting here. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if there are suicides as a result of all of this. As many other financial and support services have done, NBS could bottom-drawer/overturn their ban on PSCs until the law is implemented in 2021: after all (and yet again) it's not them wearing the risk if a contractor is audited and penalised for being inside: it's the contractor. So, they really have nothing to lose (except the cost of the 5 minutes Alexander Mann put into giving them the shoddy advice they did (that a blanket ban was ok: when many of us down here are most definitely outside)). Next week, Nationwide are also set to announce that no existing contract will be extended, and impose a ban on hiring any new contingent workers. With no change of heart or mind in sight, my colleagues and I would rather be broke for a month or two than work with a gun held to our head..
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Why has Nationwide taken this action with regards to ir35 It’s of no consequence to Nationwide if we have been given and extension. As a contractor this not only a financial hindrance, but an administrative one. It would have been favourable for all parties to carry on as normal there is no onus on Nationwide and the government have shown lenience in these desperate times. I am so disappointed with Nationwide's decision not to allow contractors to remain limited. The communication between the agency and Nationwide is abysmal. Last week I had my contract renewed as a limited company and yesterday it was revoked. Nationwide's excuse is that we have all been assessed as inside ir35. Nationwide's assessment was a blanket inside approach. Their criteria were minimal and as a contractor could have counteracted and justified why I see myself as outside IR35. Yet that would have been a waste of time before Convid 19, because Nationwide like countless other banks and companies had already made their decision that they were not going to entertain contractors who were limited. Has nationwide taken into consideration that contractors take all the risks? Our day rate may look favourable, but we don’t get holiday pay, sick pay, health insurance, or pensions paid for. Contractors have to pay accountants; business insurance and contractors don't have job security. We are now held to ransom by the umbrella companies effectively have taken a wage cut. In fact, we are worse off than paye.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Contractors can no longer operate through their limited company, complete ban on them. Can work through umbrella company only. They do not have the talent to get their projects completed. It will be an utter shambles when the skilled contractors leave in a couple of weeks. Never been treated so bad by a client
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Pp
Agree with the below, plus our department will continue to provide people with redress payments which surely is a welcome thing during this time. So much for a client that looks after people. And again Banks can continue to make up their own rules and ignore the government No communication from agency at all, everyone seems to be interpreting ir35 incorrectly. Ir35 means I pay ni and paye on my take home wage, my day rate as a business isn't my take home pay. Yet, nationwide are ignoring this and forcing people to go through umbrella companies to pay full paye and ni along with a healthy deduction in fees, its ridiculous. Blanket inside ir35 approach yet when convid 19 hit, its proven I'm outside ir35 and to say thanks, they've removed their promises to pay self isolation despite government individual advice. Never been more disappointed in a business, if only people could see the industry were breaking the law, maybe they'd stop the madness and keep a couple of contractors who do know what they're doing as the business are currently demonstrating that they dont have talent and certainly not in the right places. Everyone is fed up, uturns on decisions and the information coming through is flawed and always late!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
No communication from agency at all, everyone seems to be interpreting ir35 incorrectly. Ir35 means I pay ni and paye on my take home wage, my day rate as a business isn't my take home pay. Yet, nationwide are ignoring this and forcing people to go through umbrella companies to pay full paye and ni along with a healthy deduction in fees, its ridiculous. Blanket inside ir35 approach yet when convid 19 hit, its proven I'm outside ir35 and to say thanks, they've removed their promises to pay self isolation despite government individual advice. Never been more disappointed in a business, if only people could see the industry were breaking the law, maybe they'd stop the madness and keep a couple of contractors who do know what they're doing as the business are currently demonstrating that they dont have talent and certainly not in the right places. Everyone is fed up, uturns on decisions and the information coming through is flawed and always late!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Risk
Despite the IR35 deferral announced by Steve Barclay, NBS are refusing to allow contractors to continue using their PSC’s. A blanket approach was taken without conducting a full assessment to determine if contractors were falling inside IR35. All other financial institutions have made U-turns. This is appalling specially considering the current situation with COVID-19 and future uncertainty.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Due to their location in Swindon, they will capitalise on the fact that many contractors won’t have a choice but to accept being forced to work under an umbrella and for less, as there are few other large employers in the area. Plus, they’re desperate to save costs - with funding cut for the majority of work requiring investment. So they’ll be quite happy to lose contractors who decide to leave. They are literally holding people to ransom. On the flipside, will be their loss when they do need to rehire.. sh*tting in their own nest here.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
No U-turn. Still flawed or role-based blankets.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Digital
Just been advised they are sticking to an inaccurate assessment and the engagement is inside IR35 and only accepting engagement via umbrella only but that means being on an entirely different contract to the one they’ve assessed as inside IR35 using CEST despite asking for evidence of their assessment they’ve not shared it and I have assessed using IR35 Shield Assessment as borderline outside IR35.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
For awareness the HMRC unusually won an IR35 case and appeal against a long term NBS Project Manager Ltd Company Contractor as detailed on The Register website today - worth reading the details of
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Received an email stating they were now assessing and completing SDS for resources covered under Statement of work, despite the fact IBM had already made a blanket no PSC statement. Been umbrella since Monday for the assessment email from Nationwide on the Tuesday. Usual nationwide 'finger on the pulse'. Horse, already bolted?!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: BAU Support
Got an Outside IR35 decision for a fully home based opportunity above market rates. Its a bit early for April Fools but I couldnt wait. My projects went into the rising tide of outsourcing and I bailed out before Christmas with no discussion taking place regarding IR35 status.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: IT
No individual assessment. No conversation with me. Deemed outside IR35.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Simplification
Utter shambles! The claim of individual assessments that have been applied in a blanket fashion... everyone told they are inside but also not given option to stay and work inside. They are using as a downsizing exercise of a significant 1100+ Specialist resources! Projects, productivity and society will suffer massively... the exodus has already started!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: IT - QA
Pre decided review of the role.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
CEST Assessed and effectively blanket decision being inside IR35. Current comms is that day rates are now "assignment rates" with the Employers taxes (NI & Apprenticeship Levy) are being taken out of the day rate. Perm roles offered, I declined. Won't be staying if the rates aren't adjusted for Employer taxes. Large numbers will be leaving, especially the talented ones, which leaves projects at great risk.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Division: Mobile & Digital
Total shambles - HR teams saying that each contract is assessed individually when in reality it's a blanket approach to put everyone inside IR35... What happened Nationwide, I thought you prided yourself on being able to make you own opinion rather than following the other banks. Declined the inside IR35 option and also the full time role, good luck in your mandatory projects, they're failing by the way. Oops!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Role assessment completed just to put you inside IR35 (blanket assessment) and ban psc. time to leave.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Simplification
supposedly individual assessments have been conducted, but with several hundred contractors all on the same contract it effectively has become a blanket approach. Large swathes already leaving or intending to by end February with both productivity and project delivery already starting to suffer. In don’t think they thought as many would refuse to step inside IR35.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Unfair IR35 assessment
Division: Engineering
CEST v1 used. Assessment was done in October/November but we were only given the results in late January, being strung along with "we will let you know soon". Incorrect answers were given to many of the questions so I can only assume it was a blanket assessment. An "IR35 team" email is available for disputes/questions but I never received any replies to my emails. Offered perm role (declined) and an alternate outside-IR35 contract but would have taken months to put together and probably would never have materialised (declined). As they didn't even ask for my input on the original assessment and took so long to give us the results, I started making alternate plans immediately. Many contractors are leaving and projects are severely impacted.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
IR35 fairly assessed
No blanket approach fairly open and IR35 compliant. AMS using a standard contract until April then they will replace contracts with IR35-compliant ones. Nationwide is using CEST v2 and roles individually assessed. Most of the roles are inside IR35 but there are outside possibilities also exists.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Network
All are under inside IR35, confirmed.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Mobile & Digital (OpenBanking)
NBS & AMS using their infamous sheep like approach to strategy rather than insight. Department moving to London and hoping to secure top talent with a blanket ban on outside IR35 roles and low salaries for perms... Genius! Unfortunately when the wheels come off NBS won't notice (and AMS won't really mind) - competitors will though that's where the smart money is.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: CTO
Unfortunately NBS are taking advice from AMS, who are an "Interested Party". The line is over 99% are Inside IR35 and all the rest need to use AMS' Umbrella company.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Myself and so many contractors I talk to are leaving NWBS on 20 March. Their current and future projects will go to ratchet and will fail. They just think they will struggle for a few months while they replace us all but they seriously have their heads in the sand if they think they can just go out to market and re recruit all the expertise they will lose.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Please help out in finding what is happening.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
SOW contractor and agency told to put everyone 'Inside'.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: IT
Blanket Inside Assessment. No PSC. Perm role offered (declined).
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Service & Experience Design
Individually assessed leading, essentially, to a blanket inside IR35 outcome. Service Determination Status delivered via CEST. No evidence of any contractor found outside IR35, as far as I know. Current contracts are generally being paid up in time to ensure all payments are complete before April 6. I understand future contracts are being rewritten to establish an inside IR35 contract. No evidence, yet, of SOW or Outcome based contracts being available for PSC contractors. Some contractors are being courted for perm roles. It's slow going getting answers to questions.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Digital
Blanket assessment of contracts using CEST in which they deemed the contract inside IR35 but have not answered the questions in line with working practices and have not evidenced their reasoning. Advised future contracts will be inside IR35 and written completely differently to current contracts so basically creating an inside ir35 contract.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
All deemed inside with an appeal process - by which they can appeal against their Inside Ir35 contract, and so obviously lose. Options then are to go PAYE or Umbrella. Decision being taken due to very risk adverse postion. No market mitigations being taken. Suspect most contractors will leave.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 by exception only
They are using CEST and I was asked just a few questions via an email, then assessment completed by complete stranger. Everyone is being assessed as inside IR35. All contractors in my business area leaving on 20 March 2020
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: IT
They were using CEST tool though advising day rate contractors before assessment they would all be assessed inside of IR35, so a pointless exercise really. Suspect they will have to eventually engage with some Ltd company contractors in future though for niche skillsets and experience which their offshort partners can not provide nor be able to permanently recruit for (they were certainly struggling with some technical roles).
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: D&A
Even though it is said that everyone is assessed individually but effectively everyone is inside. That pretty much proves that they have applied blanket.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Desirable contractors are being encouraged to go permanent, or work through an umbrella. Contractors are supposedly being assessed individually, but everyone has been declared inside - at least I know of no exceptions with day rate contractors.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 by exception only
Division: Change centre of excellence
Saying a blanket ban isn’t being enforced where in reality there is no outside work.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
IR35 fairly assessed
Division: Transformation
NBS have done individual assessments using CEST2. PCS's are NOT banned as incorrectly stated. Complete fake news. PCS's can be used but if the role is deemed 'inside' deductions are taken at source.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Said they would fairly assess every contract individually... Then used CEST to do so, which is the worst choice of tool they could have made. Unsurprisingly, the CEST outcome is that every contract is inside.
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
Division: Digital
Unfairly suggested that companies were not providing replacements, although there is an "unspoken' rule that Nationwide does not allow this!
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 banned
All consultancies have been told that it's up to them to determine IR-35 status, but that NBS consider everyone to be inside. As a result, all contractors are being told that they are inside
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
Outside IR35 by exception only
Division: IT
Most contractors are leaving
Posted anonymously
4 years ago
IR35 fairly assessed
Using CEST
Posted anonymously
4 years ago

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